Dear Colleague,


The enclosed manuscript (.pdf) has been submitted for publication in the periodical Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop, e-journal published by the Hungarian National Museum) I hope that you will consent to review it.

If you are unable to review it, please let me know immediately. You may refer this manuscript to a qualified colleague you think able to judge the merits of the manuscript. Please consider the originality, quality of presentation, and scientific merit in your review and e-mail it to me within one month from the receipt of the manuscript in email ( If you find the time too short, let me know immediately.

For your convenience, we are enclosing some points of consideration.


Referee’s checklist

1. Is the subject matter suitable for publication in the periodical Archaeometry Workshop?

2. Is it a new and original contribution?

3. Does it contain subject matter that might well be omitted? If so, what?

4. Is it clearly presented and well organised?

5. Does it give adequate references to related work?

6. Is the language (English, Hungarian, others) satisfactory? (Corrections may be listed below. Of course this question applies only to the languages you speak fluently yourself.)

7. Are the illustrations and tables all necessary and adequate? Are they referred to adequately in the text?

8. Is the abstract informative and does it cover the content?

9. Are the conclusions sound and justified?

10. Please indicate your recommendation regarding the publication:

__ *


the paper is acceptable

without revision *:




with minor revision:




with major revision



the paper is not acceptable *



11. *give the reasons.

12. Please list any further comments or specific suggestions below. (In the following form: section, page, paragraph, line: comment.)

13. Do you consent to let your name known to the author(s)?

Thanks in advance and best regards,



