The use of 3D technologies to survey and document archaeological buildings and sites


Belényesi Károly-Virágos Gábor

Archeosztráda Kft.

1119 Budapest – Etele ut 59-61, Hungary

Tel. +36 1 2253361 - Fax +36 1 2253362

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The laser technology doubtless represents the new generation of 3D documentation technologies. We cannot talk about experimental methods any more. Based on the surveys executed on sites – now also in Hungary – it is clear that the fundamental phase of the technical innovation arrived to its end. The research method is fast and provides spectacular results: there are only few specialists in heritage management, who are not convinced by the first insight. Still, the expected growing in the numbers of the surveys is late. Today, both the developers and the users are looking for a market, but they often have to face uninspected difficulties.

The antipathy or aversion, which hinders the wide spread of this new documentation technology, is based on simple, but real reasons. The infrastructure of the traditional manual system is very strong, it obviously tries to withstand any of the new methods, which intend – or at least seems to intend – to change fundamentally the practise, organisation, or system of it. Therefore, accepting the new methodology is not simply a matter of fulfilling a technological prerequisite. The major question is, whether a new attitude will emerge from the side of the heritage people to accept a new approach, a brand new way of thinking: do we want to and will we be able to apply, use, and exploit that surplus value, which is offered by the use of 3D laser technologies.