Magyar előadások és poszterek a sienai Archeometriai Szimpóziumon


36. Gorini, G., Ancient Charm: a research project for neutron studies of cultural heritage objects

45. Márk, L. Evolutionary paleoproteomics: mass spectrometric protein sequencing of ancient human pathogens (Bioarchaeology)


Micro / nano diagnostics and ancient technology



111. Dúzs, K., Friedel, O., Experimental approach to prehistoric pottery, Case study from Vörs

132. Kasztovszky, Z., Kunicki, Goldfinger, J., Applicability of Prompt Gamma Activation analysis to glass archaeometry

138. Kocsonya, A., Váradi, A., Fórizs, I., Kovács, I., Szőkefalvi, Nagy, Z., Colourants and their provenance of a late medieval glass goblet found in Eger (Hungary)

188. Szilágyi, V., Taubald, H., Biró, K.T., Csengeri, P., Koós, J. S., Tóth, M., Szakmány, Gy., Bükk pottery, Master craftsmen of the Stone Age

STONE, PLASTER AND PIGMENTS (Technology and Provenance)

205. Astalos, C., Kasztovszky, Z., Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis on prehistoric stone tools and geological raw materials from North, Western Romania (not presented)

221. Crandell, O.N., Kasztovszky, Z., The use of PGAA to aid in distinguishing between sources of jasper. An investigation of the analytical possibilities of this method in artefact provenancing

229. Friedel, O., Bradák, B., Szakmány, G., Szilágyi, V., Biró, K.T., Archaeometrical processing of polished stone artefacts of the Ebenhöch, collection (Hungarian National Museum, Budapest, Hungary)

260. Péterdi, B., Szakmány, G., Judik, K., Dobosi, G., Kasztovszky, Z., Petrographical and geochemical investigation of grinding stones from Üllő 5. site, Pest County, Hungary

261. Pintér, F., Weber, J., Bajnóczi, B., Tóth, M, Analytical possibilities of historic mortars and plasters. Case study of an Ottoman bath from Budapest (Hungary)

266. Rosania, C. N., Boulanger, M., Glascock, M., Biró, K.T., Geochemical Analysis of Central and Eastern European Obsidian

267. Ruggeri, A., Mràv, Z., Preservation and conservation of building and decorative stones from excavation context. Case study of the Roman villa from Nagyharsány

274. Szakmány, G., Starnini, E., Horváth, F., Investigating trade and exchange patterns in Prehistory: preliminary results of the archaeometric analyses of the stone artefacts from tell Gorzsa (South, East Hungary)

278. Theodoridou, M., Biczó, P., Józsa, S., Kázmér, M., Szakmány, G., Preliminary petrographic results and possible provenance of medieval building stones, Székesfehérvár Ruin Garden, Hungary. Problems encountered in the preservation of monuments

295. Zöldföldi, J., Hegedüs, P., Székely, B., Interdisciplinary data base of marble for archaeometric, art historian and restoration use


297. Biró, K.T., Durkovic, E., Farkas, Szőke, S., Looking inside objects, why?


338. Mark, L., Marcsik, A., Hormone Mass Fingerprinting: sex determination of ancient human skeletal remains


388. Mark, L., Marcsik, A., Tamas, L., Dating of Human Skeletal Remains by FT, IR Spectroscopy


456. Belgya, T., Kasztovszky, Zs., Kis, Z., Szentmiklósi, L., Kockelmann, W.A., Festa, G., Kirfel, A., Kudejova, P., Schulze, R., Biró, K.T., Dúzs, K., Hajnal, Zs., Visser, D., Radiography driven PGAA and neutron diffraction measurements on black boxes designed for the ’Ancient Charm’ project

511. Visser, D., Kastovsky, Zs., Blair, J., Bayliss, J., Stutchfield, M.H., Badham, S., Non, destructive element analysis of medieval English brass letters

512. Visser, D., Mühlbauer, M., Schultz, M., Schillinger, B., Bürcherl, Th., Kudejova, P., Kirfel, A., Biro, K., Energy dependent neutron radiography / tomography on concealed archaeological material