Archaeozoological database in the Aquincum museum

BTM -Aquincum Museum

Katalin Szentirmai

Summary abstract

Katalin Szentirmai was working on a way of transforming data from a database program into a easily accessible visible mapped form using the MapInfo program as a basis. Katalin had already created maps of all Roman period protected areas and locations of known sites in Budapest. To begin the process of learning how to connect find material with the established maps, she used archaeozoological material from various Roman period sites in the Aquincum Military and Civil towns, Aquincum's territorium and Roman forts in Pest excavated over the last fifteen years and analyzed by Alice Choyke. The find variables she mapped were to be expressed in terms of percentages of cattle, sheep/goat, pig and horse as the domestic animals occurring in highest numbers at such sites. Unfortunately she died before being able to complete this work. We at the Aquincum museum feel her loss deeply and hope it will be possible to continue her work in a way that would have satisfied her exacting standards.