How to join IGCP-442

The IGCP/UNESCO projects, so also the project No. 442, are open for everybody, who wish to collaborate in the field of the project on international level.
The duration of the project is 3-4 years.
IGCP/UNESCO supply running projects with limited annual budget, which should be spend within strictly given items (namely partial sponzorship of organized international symposia, workshops etc.).
Only project members can be funded in frames of the IGCP/UNESCO members
Status for persons wishing to join is "corresponding member"
The budget for the following year is based on scientific results of the given IGCP/UNESCO project reached during the running year. So published results are more-or-less the only results of the IGCP/UNESCO projects !
If you are interested to join, contact any of the project leaders :
Prof. Dr. Dušan Hovorka
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University
Mlynská dolina
842 15 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
+421-7-60296 293, +421-7-60296 296,
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Trnka
Inst. f. Ur- und Frühgeschichte
Franz Klein-Gasse 1
A-1190 Wien, Austria
Tel: +43-1-427 740 454, Fax: +43-1-427 794 04

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