Lengyel '99 - 2nd Workshop Meeting of IGCP-442 (11-13 October, Veszprém, Hungary)- Abstracts

Routes, settlements

An outing to the significant Neolithical sites of Veszprém County

1. Vázsonyi-medence (basin of Vázsony) - the 86 km2 basin area lies between the Bakony and the Balaton-felvidék (highlands of Balaton). It is bordered from the west, south and east by a 350-400 m high mountain range, in the northern direction the even surface of the Basin is open. Since the study of Gyula Mészáros was published in 1948 the basin of Vázsony has played an emphasized part concerning the research history of the linear pottery culture of Transdanubia.

Seven sites of this culture can be found here: Nagyvázsony-Baráti-dűlő (Nagyvázsony-Barát balk), Csapás, Nagyvázsony-Szérüskerti-dűlő (Nagyvázsony-Szérüskert balk), Mencshely-Murvagödrök (bractpits of Mencshely), Vöröstó-Ragonya, Barnag-Remetekert, Pécsely-Zádorvár, Szentjakabfa-Somos.

Besides the listed settlements surface-finds are frequent in the basin, therefore Gyula Mészáros believed the finds to be from Mesolithic Age. Based on the examination of the find material it proved to be connected with the intensive production of stone implements in the settlements. The raw material was obtained throughout periodical expeditions from the Tűzköveshegy in Szentgál, which can be found north of the basin.

2. Kab-hegy (mount Kab) - at the base of the mount leads the natural route by which the LBC inhabitants of the Vázsonyi-medence approached the Tűzköveshegy. The mount has served as a point of orientation in the topography of the surroundings of the Tűzköveshegy in the time of the Lengyel culture as well.

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