Lengyel '99 - 2nd Workshop Meeting of IGCP-442 (11-13 October, Veszprém, Hungary)- Abstracts


Gheorghe Lazarovici


History of problem. There was much writing about the relations between Vin(a and Lengyel: I. Kutzian, J. Makkay, S. Dimitrijevi(, N. Kalicz etc, the problem being particularly important for: the relative chronology, the genesis of the Lengyel and other related cultures, and the chronological and cultural links with the civilizations in the area from the Carpathians to the Danube. This contact gives birth to some groups of civilizations closely interrelated, all of them having as basis a series of ethno - cultural movements with different moving sense, defined by us with a more general term as the Vin(a C shock, considering this phenomena as a southern impulse for the areas in the middle basin of the Danube.

The Origin of the Lengyel culture in Hungary, based on the discoveries from Bicske, the late stage, must be related to the "Vinča C shock" (our opinions Lazarovici 1994, p. 62 and the following). This seems to be limited, as far as the present knowledge goes, to the site from Bicske and 2-3 other sites. The discoveries from Bicske are obviously prior to those from Lengyel (Makkay, apud Lazarovici 1979, p. 71, 93, 98, 137, 155, 157, 160; Regenye 1998, 113 see southern area genesis, related to Sopot; Dimitrijević 1976, p.164 Bicske appears with Sopot classic p. 165). These materials are often considered as Protolengyel in the first stage being discoveries of Bicske - Bi(a type and in the latest stage discoveries of Sé - Lu(iansky type (Pavúk 1990, p. 129, fig.1). The strong local component is the one that differentiates in different areas the beginning stage.

The groups from the western area Sopot - Bicske - Lengyel

Sopot - Lengyel by B. Brukner and S. Dimitrijevi( Starčevo, Vinča and linear elements in Transdanubia the stages are synchronized: the phases IA-IB with Vinča B1-B2 and B2-C, the phase II-III with Vinča Pločnik (Vinča C-D) opinions accepted by P. Pattay

Bicske group from the period of genesis of the Lengyel or Prelengyel culture by I. Kutzian, J. Makkay having genetic links with the group Lu(ianky, by the inventori of the grave from Szentendre. The notion of Sopot - Bicske also includes older phenomena (Dimitrijevi( 1968). In this group belong the discoveries from Bicske, Hidas, Izmény (Regenye 1998, p. 111)

Vin(a links and influences. About these pronounced their opinion: Ida Kutzian (Kutzián 1966 p. 274), S. Dimitrijević 1969, N. Kalicz (Kalicz Aszód, to Vinča 6,1 m, later at the Vinča C2, D1 and D2 level), J. Makkay; B. Jovanović, Dombay, Zengővárkony, p. 13, fig. 87/3 and other

Tisza - Herpály - Csőszhalom links. There are opinions about these in the works of N. Kalicz. The notion of Csőszhalom or Polgár - Csőszhalom group imposes after the research from Polgár and the surrounding area. The ample research from the area of the highway in northern Hungary favored the research in that area. In the area of the Tisza, under the influences of the cultures Lengyel (from the west) and Lengyel - Stichband (from Little Poland) and Herpály - Salca, the Tisza culture evolves to the north into tehe group Csőszhalom (Raczky 1994). The Lengyel component is evident in the ceramic shapes and painting.

Herpály - Salca Group, is considered by some as a group of the Lengyel culture (to Korek). There are common elements but there are also essential differences (for Oradea - Salca Maxim 1998; 1999, s.v. Oradea; RepBh 1974, 46-47); The Herpály - Salca Group diffuses also in the area of the Apuseni mountains, some imported pieces even reaching Cluj to the east: Cluj - Sf. Ion - Biblioteca Academiei and others (Herpály I - Salca Lazarovici - Lakó 1981 p. 34, n. 40-42) searching. S(laj to the north-east, at Z(uan - Acastofo Domb (a Herpály II fragment, with white painting).

Petre(ti, Foeni group imports appear also in the discoveries from Herpály (Kalicz - Raczky 1987, p. 119,fig. 30/4) maybe also 30/3). There are Petre(ti materials also at Oradea - Salca (Petre(ti AB - B painted pot lid: or direct influences are in the plastics from Suplac: Ignat 1998, fig. 34/7-8, 40/8, 41/5-7, 43/3,8) and in Hungary appear some Petre(ti imports at Vésztő - Mágor (Kalicz - Raczky 1987, 88, 5/1,3), Herpály - Magor (Kalicz - Raczky 1987, 119, 30/1-3,5).

There are Lengyel imports at: Herpály (Kalicz - Raczky 1987, p. 120, fig. 35 from the levels 6-10); Gorzsa, thing that allows the establishment of a synchronism process between the areas of Lengyel - Herpály- Gorzsa (Horváth 1987, p. 34, fig. 5,42, fig. 28); at Hodoni, in the area of the Vinča culture, in one of the most southern Tisza sites, probably of Gorzsa aspect (Dra(ovean - Teicu - Muntean 1996, p. 34, pl. XLIV/3).

The relative chronological position of the Tisza culture and the signification for Lengyel relative chronology. The diggings from the Banat area, from Par(a I, Par(a II and mostly those from Hodoni (Dra(ovean - (eicu - Muntean 1996; Dra(ovean 1996) and also some Vinča C discoveries or imports from Serbia (Vasič 1936b, 53, pl. XXI/74; Vukmanović 1982, cat. 35, at the depth of 5,5 m, the transition from C1 to C2, form that keeps to early Tisza), from the north of the Yugoslavia at Vinča D1 level (Dimitrijevič 1968, p. 86, fig. 18/1-2 associated in the level with Lengyel materials (fig. 15,p. 85), from the south - east of Hungary (Cioka Banner 1960), Show undoubtedly the anteriority of the Vin(a C discoveries reported to early Tizsa.

Links with the Suplac group and influences:

proved by the semicircular ceramic spoons with hole from Suplac and from the Iclod group, of which some are different (the typology of Podborski ( 1977 types 652, 654, 657, 664, 665; Maxim 1986). These appear in the phase of the trichromy, in different aspects of the Lengyel - Strelice culture (Pittioni, Ungheschichte, 1, p. 21). Child feeding spoons appear at: in Petre(ti culture appear at P(uca (dwelling 1 Kalmar 1986, 69, 5/4) or in the Iclod-Petre(ti synthesis at Vlaha (Kalmar 1986, p. 64, fig. 5/3), in Letenye (Kalicz 118, p. 109), etc proved by the incineration tombs from Suplac next to those from Aszód (15 tombs Kalicz, Aszód,); from Austria 22,2 % are incinerated (Ruttkay 1985, p. 29; Lenneis 1995, p. 93); they also appear at Szakály - Rétiföldek.

proved by inhumation tombs: skull of a child from Iclod with analogies at Zalai - Gaál (1984, 37) and the following, fig. 1-2; Mórágy - Tűzkődomb (Feuersteinhügel tomb 32 skull of a child in a pot), Zengővárkony skull in a pit;

Links between Lengyel - Aszód - Iclod. These can be general, proved by the fortification system; the round type one from Friebritz - Sud Lennis 1995, cover 2, proved by the ditch the exterior palisade; belonging to the early phase MOG I and relates to the (eliezovce group (Lennis 1995, p. 61); the fortification from Sé ditch and interior palisade (Kalicz - Karolyi 1980, 418, fig. 126, 215-217 as at Iclod), Bohemia (Pavl( 1986, p. 255 and the following) links and close contacts on wide areas as in the example of Lengyel - Zengővárkony, Becsehely, Brezovljani, Bi(a, Bicske, Aszód, Svodin, Lu(ianky, Unterwölbing etc.

The double zoomorphic idols Iclod, museum Gherla analogies in Lengyel at Zalaszentbalázs (Bánffy 1997, fig. 182, p. 116 Moravia at (t(panovice (Ko(turik 1986, p. 77, fig. 18/1); idol from Bo(ovice (with wide hole on the back) Vy(apy - (t(panovice, T((etice-Kyjovice (and fortification system) (Podborsky 1985, 132, fig. 83, 136, fig. 92, pl. 135/1, close 143/1).

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