Instructions for authors

The electronic periodical Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop) publish articles, communications, reviews and other pieces of information concerning Hungarian and related international archaeometrical research.

This periodical expects communications in the following genres:

Manuscripts should be sent to the following electronic address:

General instructions


The periodical Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop) will publish communications on the opinion of the editorial board and for articles and short communication, the opinion of referee's. The publication is basically in electronic format (.pdf), made accessible via Internet. For the purpose of archivation and on personal request, the individual issues are also published in printed version. The submitted communications can be returned to authors for revision or refused as not acceptable or falling outside the scope of this periodical. Decision of acceptance is trusted finally on the editorial board. The authors will be informed on acceptance or refusal within one month of the relevant deadline. The author and possible co-authors are responsible for the contents of the submitted manuscript. By submitting the manuscript and its revised versions the author(s) guarantee that the publication of the material has no legal and other IPR hindrances.

We would like to draw your attention especially to IPR rights of the illustrations. Should the text or the illustrations contain any details with somebody else's copyright, please send us the written consent of the IPR owner in respect of publication in Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop). All responsibility concerning the contents of the publication is entrusted on the author(s). The editors will not take part in any debates concerning IPR problems.

Submitting the manuscript

The manuscripts submitted for publication should be in fully electronic format, sent to the e-mail address of the editor as attached finds. We are also accepting CD-s sent by post. Manuscripts or parts of the manuscripts in non-electronic format will be rejected. By sending us your manuscript, please indicate unambiguously the title, its genre (e.g., article) the name and address of the authors as well as the declaration of originality and consent of copyright holder if necessary. Please indicate in the accompanying mail the name, number and size of the documents attached. The size of one attachment should not exceed 2 MBytes/letter. If possible, send text and illustrations in the same mail: if necessary, send them in separate mails clearly indicating continuation as (3/1), (3/2), (3/3) for manuscript consisting of 3 packages. In this case, send the accompanying letter in separate mail as (3/0) so as the editors should know that they are to expect 3 packages more. The denomination of the attached file should follow the following order, e.g.: [author].DOC or [firstauthor]ETAL.DOC, while the figures are to be numbered accordingly, e.g. [author]FIG1.TIF, [author]FIG2.JPG, etc.

The text is expected in Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) while figures are preferred as TIFF, PNG (Portable Network Graphics) or JPEG format, set in the desired size with proper dot density. Size of the images may change during the editing process. Illustrations can be coloured or black-and-white but they should be also good for printing (300 dpi). In preparing the complete manuscript please consider the printed format as well, using A4 page size with 2,54 cm margins. Size of the illustrations and tables intended to be included in the edited form cannot exceed the size of the resulting page mirror.

Formal requirements

The submitted manuscript should conform to the followings:

It should be concise, concrete written in adequate language concerning technical terms as well as conforming to rules of the language. Figures should be made clear and understandable. The diagrams should contains quantity units (preferred in SI but some general units accepted by professionals like ppm, kbar are also acceptable with consent of the editors and the referees). Maps and sketches should contain a scale, and a N-sign, photos on objects and photomicrographs a scale-bar. Scale-bar is preferred to numerical ratios because of changes of scale in printing. The Tables should be organised in manageable size, data communicated in the Tables should not be repeated in the text. References should be included in the text (see in details below) and listed in details at the end of the text. Do not use footnotes and possibly avoid end-notes as well. Notes that are absolutely indispensable should be listed at the end of the manuscript, preceding References, separated from the text and sequentially numbered. Figure captions, text for photo plates and titles of Tables should be given sequentially numbered, at the end of the manuscript. Please indicate the preferred place of illustrations in the text.

Acknowledgements should be reduced to minimum, listing the sponsors and the project titles. Use acronyms only for well-known abbreviations. In case of references given in the text, for one author referred to use the format Wolf (1976), for two authors Wolf & Hare (1932), for several authors, Hare et al. (1934). If reference is given in brackets as a comment, then the suitable format should be (Wolf & Hare 1932; Hare et al. 1934).

The list of references should be given in the order of the English alphabet, letters with accent and other diacritical symbols ranked among the rest. References to works published in scriptures using non-Latin letters should be used, if transcript in the original, in the transcript form of the original publication. If such a transcription is not available, use the standard English phonetical transcription. Possibly all characters should be reproduced according to its original language (use Unicode). Referring to the translation of a work into other language, use the published form of the referred work.

The basic order of references is the following:

AUTHOR(S) (year): Title of publication. Place of publication.

The name of the authors should be given in the form of LASTNAME, Firstname or LASTNAME, X.Y. where X.Y. are the initials of the first name of the author. In the case of two authors, the names should be separated by the symbol &, in the case of several authors, separate names by coma and list the last author with symbol & and no coma. First names given in full detail are preferred to avoid mixing several authors or dropping the initials with double letters (for example. cs, gy, sz, de pl. ph, ch etc.) in English transcript.

Use capital letters in the title of referred publication only when they should be written in capital letters according to the rules of the language of the original publication. Use a dot after the title. The format used for the place of publication depends on the genre of the referred publication. For articles published in periodicals, use Name of periodical volume(number):page-to-page format. The name of the periodical can be abbreviated if there exists a generally accepted acronym. If the publication referred to comprise only one page, use the format volume(number):page.

If the referred publication is a book, than the place of publication should contain Publisher, seat_of_publisher, number_of_pages pp. If the publication is part of a book, use the format in: EDITOR(S): Title. Place of Publication. where the name of the EDITOR(S) should be used among the authors referred in the above mentioned form, referring to the book as a whole as well. If the place of publication is an Internet address or an e-journal, give the full URN (URL) as well as DOI if existing. If the publication referred is a PhD study or a university thesis, use the format for books with the difference that for the place of publication, the note 'Unpublished PhD thesis' or 'Unpublished university thesis' should be written and instead of the seat of the publisher, the institution where the study was made should be written. Refer only to really accessible works: use note 'personal communication (p.c.)' only in exceptional cases.

As regards the individual types of communications submitted for Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop) the followings should be considered:


Articles comprise longer communications containing results of original research in the field of archaeometry that were not published elsewhere. Manuscript submitted will be reviewed together with all illustrations, tables and other data. On the basis of the referees' opinion, the Editorial Board make the decision on publication. The manuscript will be tended by the member of the Editorial Board who is closest to the subject and two independent experts on the field(s) will be asked for review (see attached form).

Review articles summarising recent developments on a special field related to archaeometry represent a special case of articles. These manuscripts are expected basically in Hungarian because we aim at informing the Hungarian public on the summary of fresh results of relevant sub-fields mainly. Review articles may exceed limits set on articles listed in details below on the basis of decision of the editorial board: however, it is advisable that the author(s) of such studies should consult the editor prior to submitting review articles.

Articles are expected in Hungarian or English, accompanied by an English summary of 100 to 400 words (abstract). 3 to 5 keywords should be submitted for better retrieval. Manuscripts written in other languages may be accepted on special occasion provided there is a possibility for arranging reviews. English summary in such case is imperative.

The abstract should cover the theme, methodology and results in concise form and should be clear and understandable in itself. Do not use references in the Abstract.

Apart from the requirements in the General Instructions, the articles should comply with the followings. Manuscripts should be arranged in double-space text without figures, using Times New Roman 12 point letters on an A4 page with 2,54 cm margin. The total amount of text should be possibly less than 10 pages. The manuscript can contain maximum 8 figures (coloured or black-and-white), of which maximum 2 should be intended for full page. (The Editors maintain the right of re-sizing illustrations if necessary). Do not use letters under size 8 point within the illustrations. The total amount of Tables enclosed should not exceed 2 full pages. The editors can resize or rearrange the Tables for optimal appearance or render them among the Attachments.

The author(s) can attach further material intended for publication that will be hosted in a document repository on the same server ( They will be made on-line accessible together with the document but they will not be printed in the archive copies. The author can also refer to external Internet-accessible documents but the editors cannot guarantee their integrity and accessibility on long term; therefore such documents are better if sent to the data repository as well, in suitable format and with proper authorisation.

Figures and Tables should be referred to in the text by sequential numbers. Both Illustrations and Tables should have short but complete explanation, keys, marks used on them fully explained. Give captions with the numbering proper at the end of the text.

One of the aims of the Editors is to offer a fast publication forum for Hungarian and international research projects including the original set of evidence to be accessible for further research. For this purpose, we offer the possibility for the publication of the original data (even in large quantities) within the framework of the - Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop): There are two solutions for this:

  1. Put data in data repository
  2. Attached to the accepted article, data in generally known format (e.g., HTML, Excel, dBase, ASCII text, or known graphical formats) organised in a logical data retrieval system. The data belong to the relevant article. Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop) will provide the technical facility for their accessibility but we do not interfere editing the contents or publishing them in printed form.

  3. Original data publication

If the amount of attached material exceeds essentially the limits of the printed version but author insist on including the evidence in printed form within the printed version of the periodical, there is a possibility to attach more on self-cost, including costs of publication (editing and surplus costs). However it is not our purpose to treat monographic materials within Archeometriai Műhely (Archaeometry Workshop). Ready-made CD-s can be submitted by authors, however they will also be judged by the referees.

In case of both types of data publication, the full set of evidence will take part in the reviewing procedure therefore all attachments should be submitted simultaneously together with the article. Please contact the editor in e-mail prior to sending large quantities of data (surpassing 2 MBytes). It should be also noted, that in spite of all efforts of the editors to publish data fast, a lengthy data-set will necessarily prolong the process of reviewing as well as necessary edition work.

Announcements and reports

Announcements and reports on events concerning archaeometry (exhibitions, conferences, workshops etc.) are welcome. We are mainly expecting communications in Hungarian that can be completed with information on the original language of the events organised. Announcements and reports should not exceed 2-3. Announcements should be made short, containing name of the event, venue, contact persons and addresses, Internet availability and logo. It should be, anyway, relevant to field of archaeometry. Announcements should be made in due time to leave possibility for the interested persons to contact the organisers and keep deadlines.

Apart from the above information, reports should contain an account of the event specifying new information for archaeometrical research and publication accessibility. Reasonable amount of illustrations on the event is most welcome.

Short communications

The aim of publishing short communications to inform the professional community as fast as possible on new results and development, with special regard to fast publication requested for research projects. The Editorial Board will assure the fast publication of short articles and expect a full version of the results in due time. The edited version of short communications should not exceed 2 printed pages, including all illustrations, tables and references. Short communications will be reviewed by one professional expert.

Book reviews

Book reviews are expected on books, monographs, collective volumes and electronic data sets (e.g., CD-ROMs) relevant to Hungarian archaeometrical research. Their relevance is immediately judged by the Editorial Board. Book reviews should not exceed 1 printed page.


Communications of miscellaneous character belong to this category like editorial notes, letters from our readers, information on structural changes, research project calls, education and, unfortunately, also necrologies. For pieces of information submitted on miscellanea, contact the editors directly.